who is Daerin?
Daerin is the combination of Danielle and Haerins name !
Let's start with Danielle first!
Danielle Marsh was born on April 11th, 2005 to an Australian dad and a Korean Mother in Munsan, Paju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. She is fluent in both Korean and English! Her Korean name is Mo Jihye (모지혜). Her zodiac sign is an Aries and her representative animal is a puppy 🐶Kang Haerin(강해린) was born on May 15, 2006 in Pyeongchon, Dongan-gu, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. She can also speak both Korean and English but isn't as fluent as Danielle. Her zodiac sign is a Taurus and her representative animal is a hamster 🐹 but people say she represents a cat because of her cat like eyes.

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